Iz kratkog Ponashky Vodiča kroz šaljive srpske umotvorine sa adekvatnim ilustrovanim prikazom preko potrebnim u nebrojeno mnogo situacija za domaće i turiste, izdvajamo:

A short guide for locals and tourists which represents Serbian common expressions extremely essential in many different situations:

NiyeNego (nontranslatable) –  you simply beg to differ

Idi u peršun! Go to parsley – the polite way of saying go f..k yourself!

Ko zna, zna. Who knows, knows – basically a smartass.

Pi.kin dim! Pussy’s smoke –  easy peasy.

Ne mešaj babe i žabe! Don’t mix frogs and grandmothers –  apples and oranges.

Prebiću te ko vola u kupusu! I’ll beat you like an ox in cabbage –  oh, you’re so gonna get it!

Ko te šljivi! Who plums you –  nobody really cares if you don’t want to play.

Nisam od juče! I’m not from yesterday –  you cannot fool me.

Malo sutra! Little tomorrow – it’s never gonna happen.

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